
If you’re looking for a top-rated online casino game in Malaysia and Singapore with variety and the potential for great wealth and fortune, then Pussy888 is for you! It has built a reputation amongst professional online casino players and is perfect for beginners.

With a simple and stylish interface and layout, you can enjoy the platform from the comfort of your own home. The user experience is top quality and modern, meeting all your needs for a safe, secure, and fun way to make money.

As a online casino player, you can choose between various online casino games, giving players a chance to never get bored.

Join one of the million Pussy888 users in South-East Asia and compete for the best prizes and jackpots!

The Origin of Pussy888 (Etymology)

When you think of pussy cats, you automatically think of bad luck. Most European countries, for example, believe a black cat crossing their path means they will have bad luck. But, if the Ancient Egyptians held cats with such high esteem, we can, too!

In Asia, cats are seen as a good omen and ward off evil. So, if cats represent good luck, then your online casino games will be filled with luck!

If we look at the number 888, you have even more significance to enjoy. In Chinese numerology, the number 8 is connected to great fortune and wealth. Therefore, the number 888 is triple fortune and wealth! Along with the good luck cats represent, you can enjoy a very successful time playing on Pussy888 with massive fortune!

History of Pussy888

Pussy888 has been around for many years and was developed to compete with all the renowned online casino games. Over the years, it has become a competitor and a firm favourite amongst professional and beginner online players across Asia.

By slowly dominating the industry, it has also become an online platform that players have become reliant on to gain great fortune. Quality services, spectacular deals, and serious attention to detail have earned it a reputation as one of the most prevalent online casino platforms in Southeast Asian countries.

It distinguishes itself from other online casino gaming apps by providing a wide range of Pussy888 games that can get enjoyed from your own home. All you will need is a phone or computer with a stable internet connection! As a result, you can enjoy the freedom of time and location anytime it is convenient for you!


As one of the most popular online casinos in Asia, you can enjoy a variety of games on its platform. Pussy888 is real-time gaming, as it’s played online. All you need is reliable internet connection to enjoy one of the many games!

It has also game developers who have created online casino games for you to enjoy, such as slots and table gaming. Games are fair, modern, and reliable, so you can feel confident building your wealth!

Examples of online casino games that are available include Blackjack, Pontoon, Texas Hold’em Poker, and all the other classics that we have grown to love over time. Pussy888 has games for every type of player, so get started today!


Pussy888 is mainly comprised of slot machine games, so you can enjoy several bonuses while playing! The Free Spin bonus is when you match the correct combination of free spin symbols. If you get the correct combination, you will automatically receive a set number of free spins.

Understanding how to get free spins might seem complicated, but it’s very straightforward! Users will be awarded with free spins based on their most recent bet. For example, if your last previous bet was RM50, you will bet RM50 too during the free spin game.

Aside from the possibility of winning more money, free spins give you the opportunity to practice playing slot machines. You’ll get more spins than you would normally get, and with the extra practice, you’ll be a pro in no time!


Pussy888 offers exceptional security and is completely risk-free to use. However, Malaysian legislation requires them to be completely licensed and regulated, so you can play with the freedom knowing your online casino games comply with the law.

After you’ve created a new account, you’ll get asked to reset your password as a precautionary measure to protect your login information from being stolen. Mega888 takes several remarkable security steps to ensure that its users’ profiles are safe and secure at all times.

User Guide

No matter where you live, it’s vital you understand a few important things before you get started playing Pussy888 from your chosen online device.

  • When starting out for the first time playing online casino games, it’s always a good idea not to risk too much money on a new game. Rather spend more time practising and getting to know the games before you bet large amounts.
  • Always avoid placing excessive bets that will drain your bank account in less than five spins or throws. Instead, plan ahead and practise good money management to prevent losing money quickly and maximise your earning potential.
  • Play the slot game with a high random number above 10,000 if you want to boost your winning potential and get bonuses significantly.
  • Always divide your money and avoid depositing it all at once. Your chance of winning greatly improves when you divide your money as the game analyses your cash flow and offer you a higher chance to win.
  • When it comes to card games, live card games should be preferred over virtual card games. This is because live card games, in which players interact in person, are more likely to be random than virtual card games, in which you play alone.

Before placing a bet, consider the slot machine’s RTP, which is the player’s return ratio. The player rate of return is the sole method of determining how much you should pay for a key. After selecting a slot machine, RTP can also determine how much jackpot money a player will earn.

Maintain a high Pussy888 payout rate if the rate is high. Players place bets in order to earn this money. Choose a slot machine with a 95% player return, for example. This indicates that a dedicated slot only stores 5% of total revenue. Therefore, the only option to get more bonuses and money is to play the highest-paying slots.

As a result of avoiding such spots, players’ money will be at risk. In regard to bonuses, it has a lot to offer, so if you are a site member, you do not need to worry about your payment.

Complete Guide to Install Pussy888

Step1: Look for your device setting, and click into "General"

Step2: Look for "Device Management" and click on it

Step3: You will now see "Asolution Software Sdn Bhd". Click on it and it will lead you to the official pussy888 apk installation

Step 4: Click on trust "Asolution Software Sdn Bhd"

Step 5: Click on the "trust" button

Step 6 (Final Step): If it shows verified, congratz! you are now complete with the Pussy888 Installation

System Maintenance

Pussy888 may run system maintenance when needed and can happen at any time of day. Maintenance updates the online platform and repairs any issues the game may be experiencing, ensuring you always have an up-to-date system. Should there be maintenance updates, it will take anything from a few hours to 48 hours to complete maintenance.

As a player, you will not get notified of any temporary maintenance issues, but rest assured the online casino will be up and running in no time!

Business Practice

No matter what type of player you are (novice or professional), Pussy888 is available to everyone to become an Agent. Your only condition to get started is to have enough capital, which is a maximum of RM100,000. To apply for a proxy user kiosk, you’ll need to find a reputable agent.

Legality (Malaysia and Singapore)

When it comes to online casino gambling, Malaysia and Singapore have different laws governing them.


Gambling is illegal in Malaysia, primarily due to Sharia law, which governs the country. Pussy888 Casino, on the other hand, is licensed and regulated by the Malaysian government, so you can rest assured you are partaking in legal practices.


If you’re living in Singapore, you have more flexibility with Pussy888 and can enjoy arcade games, slots, and table games.

You will first need to contact a Pussy888 agent to grant you access to the casino. The agents are representatives who serve as a middleman between the players and the casino. When you send money to them, they will deposit it at the casino and credit your account when you withdraw money.

The official agents can set up an account for Singapore players. They can also provide bonuses and promotions that can be used when making deposits, as well as access to the casino through their website.

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Getting started on Pussy888

Getting started on Pussy888 is easy and straightforward. Contact customer service team on Telegram or Whatsapp. They will be there throughout the whole process and help you set up a new profile. In addition, they will guide you on the steps to deposit money, receive 15% bonuses, etc.

+ How to download & install Pussy888 for IOS, Android, and PC?

To download Pussy888 for IOS, Android & PCs:

The Pussy888 apk software is easy to download and install on your device. It is available in IOS, Android, and PC (Windows) version, you can enjoy playing and making money from anywhere! All you need is a mobile device, PC, or tablet with a stable internet connection to get started.

If you have an Android device, all you need to do is download the Pussy888 APK files from an official source. The Pussy888 Android application will automatically install on your Android device, and you’ll be ready to get started!

For PCs that have Windows installed, you can download the APK files via Firefox or Chrome web browsers. Once you’ve downloaded the software to your PC and start installing the files, you will need to ensure “Unknown sources” from “Accounts and Security” in your Settings folder are enabled to get the APK files installed without delay.

If you have an IOS device, download the Pussy888 IOS application from the IOS App Store. Once the app is completed downloading, you can open the app and start your online casino journey!

To install Pussy888 for IOS, Android & PCs:

Once you have completed downloading Pussy888 on your chosen device, you will need to install it. As a new user, you need to complete the installation process to enjoy the benefits of online casino gaming.

To get started, create login details to keep your account safe. Choose a username and password that’s unique to you and something you will remember.

Once you’ve logged in with your newly signed in account, you can get started and choose one of the many online casino games to play!

+ How to register in Pussy888

Registering a Pussy888 account is a very simple process. To get started, you need a PC or mobile device that is connected to a stable internet connection. You will then need to contact an official agent to assist you with a new account. This gets done via Whatsapp or Telegram, which needs to be installed if not already done.

+ Is Pussy888 safe to download?

Pussy888 is safe and secure to download, as they are fully licensed to operate as an online casino in Malaysia and regulated by Malaysian law. As a result, you’ll be happy to know that your login information is always kept safe and secure.

In addition, the Pussy888 software has 128-bit encryption, giving you the added security needed for safe and secure online casino gaming.

You can rely on their qualified and skilled customer services representatives if you encounter issues. Problems get sorted out quickly and with ease as support is available via instant chat 24/7.

+ I am having trouble downloading Pussy888, what should I do?

Pussy888 was designed to have a streamlined download process, but there are instances where you might struggle. If you are having trouble downloading, it is advisable for you to reach out to your designated agent to help you with the registration process.

To keep your profile safe from others, you will need to create a unique and secret username and password. You must create a VVID ID account in order to access the whole slot game catalogue.

When you use the Agent’s download URL, you may receive an “Error” notification during the download process. If you encounter an error, contact an agent via Whatsapp or Telegram, and they will assist you with the onboarding process.

As soon as you finish the installation and registration process with the assistance of a agent, you can start your journey in building great wealth!

+ How long does Pussy888 maintenance take?

Most users might curious how long does pussy888 maintenance take. Regular maintenance is essential for any application to run smoothly. As a result, you can expect maintenance to occur. However, maintenance is temporary and can last anywhere between a few hours or two days.

You also need to be aware that it can close the market without notice in certain countries for temporary maintenance purposes.

System maintenance is essential for the application to run smoothly and can occur at any unexpected moment, and you will not be notified in advance. It will also not notify you when performing temporary and routine maintenance on iOS iPhone Apps or changing device management.